A Therapist, A Buddhist, and You
A Therapist, A Buddhist, and You
4-Part Guided Meditation Series: Journey Through the Mindfulness of the Four Noble Truths — First Truth
Welcome to the ”4-Part Guided Meditation Series: Journey Through the Mindfulness of the Four Noble Truths”
Part 1: The First Noble Truth
What if embracing discomfort could lead to profound personal transformation? Join Zaw as we explore the Noble Awakening Meditation, a practice designed to help you connect with the present moment and understand the first noble truth—the truth of suffering, or Dukkha. Guided by mindful breathing and compassionate acceptance, we invite you to acknowledge and embrace any discomfort, whether physical, emotional, or mental, without judgment. This guided meditation will help you release tension and soften resistance, providing a pathway to deeper awareness.
As you sit in silence and stillness, we'll guide you through observing your thoughts and sensations with curiosity and openness. By facing suffering mindfully, you transform it from a source of despair to a catalyst for liberation.
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Welcome to the Noble Awakening Meditation. Find a comfortable seated position, Close your eyes softly and take a few deep breaths to settle into this moment. Begin by bringing your attention to the sensation of your breath as it flows in and out of your body. Notice the rise and fall of your chest with each breath, allowing yourself to fully connect with the present moment. As you continue to breathe, I invite you to reflect on the first noble truth, the noble truth of suffering, Doka. Acknowledge any discomfort or unease you may be feeling, whether physical, emotional or mental. Allow yourself to fully embrace these sensations without judgment.
Speaker 1:With each inhale, breathe in acceptance and compassion for yourself and others. With each exhale, release any tensions, resistance you may be holding onto, allowing yourself to soften and let go. Take a few moments now to sit in silence and in stillness, allowing yourself to fully experience the reality of suffering in this moment. Notice any thoughts or sensations that arise and simply observe them with a sense of curiosity and openness. Thank you. The truth of suffering is not meant to bring despair, but rather understanding. It is through acknowledging and accepting our suffering that we can begin to transform it. As we conclude this meditation, take a moment to express your gratitude for this opportunity to awaken to the truth of suffering. Know that by facing it with mindfulness and compassion, you're taking the first step on the path to liberation. Thank you.